Here we present another weekly Blog from Avon
Bakers. This article is written especially for the beginners who want to set
foot in the world of baking. Stock up these items permanently in your kitchen
as you will always need them while baking anything.
Flour is the most basic ingredient used in all baked goods. There
are many varieties of flours available , ranging from cake flour, pastry flour,
bread flour to self-rising flour. Choice of a flour, to bake any particular
baking item, depends upon protein content , added agents and processes used in
making the flour.
Cake flour has less protein and high starch content .It is
basically used in making cakes, quick breads
, cookies and muffins. Bread flour has
high protein and gluten content which makes it suited to make yeast products.
Pastry flour is used to make cookies , biscuits and pie crusts for a tender
but crumbly pastry. Self-rising flour has low protein content with added baking
powder and salts.
plays a very important role in baking process . It not only adds sweetness to
the baked item but also adds volume, tenderness,
texture, color, and acts as a preservative. Generally four types of sugars are
used for baking. They are granulated sugar, confectioners sugar, superfine
sugar and brown sugar.
Granulated sugar is also known as white sugar and
table sugar. It is widely used sugar which is derived from sugar cane or sugar
beets. Confectioner’s sugar is also know as icing sugar or powdered sugar. It
is powdered granulated sugar with added cornstarch. Superfine sugar is also
known as castor sugar .It has very fine granules. Brown sugar has moist texture
and is made by adding molasses to the granulated sugar. Its colour varies from
light brown to dark brown depending upon the amount of molasses used.
powder is a dry chemical leavening agent which is used for increasing the volume and lightening
the texture of baked goods.
It's made up of bicarbonate of soda ,cream of tartar and cornstarch.
Baking soda is also known as bicarbonate of soda or sodium
bicarbonate . It is a leavening agent . It is added to baked goods before cooking to produce carbon
dioxide and cause them to rise.
Vanilla essence is used as flavoring agents in desserts, breads, cakes,
puddings, frostings, etc.
Strains of yeast are used as a leavening agent
in baking bread and bakery products, where it converts the fermentable sugars
present in the dough into carbon dioxide and ethanol.
Eggs play a very important function of holding other ingredients while
mixing and baking .They maintain the tender structure of the baked product.
all-round baking ingredient is butter . It not only gives the flavor to the baked
good but also makes it light, tender and fluffy. Shelf life of product gets
prolonged with this.
is used to give intense chocolate flavor to the baked good. It is also used in
making chocolate icing and cake fillings.
Salt plays a very important role of controlling the fermentation rate of
yeast. It not only adds overall flavor but also strengthens the gluten in the
dough making it less sticky.
That’s it folks !!